Project Targets: The project focuses on students from grades 7-12 at Junyi who come from low-income, lower-middle-income, single-parent families, families raising grandchildren, or families actively engaged in indigenous cultural work but cannot fully cover tuition fees.
From the 101st to the 111th academic year (2012-2022), 210 students were supported, approximately 80% of whom are indigenous, including children from various tribes such as Amis, Puyuma, Bunun, Paiwan, Rukai, Tao, and Truku.
Program Details: Full or partial scholarships and grants are provided annually based on family circumstances.
Shih’s Story: Changing the Lives of Many
The Alliance Cultural Foundation (ACF) met Mr. Shih in 2013. After two face-to-face encounters, Shih committed five years to the Junyi School of Innovation, donating funds to establish his nonprofit organization in Taiwan to support its underprivileged youths.